1Quality Control, Accuracy and Flexibility
The absolute values of two colors (L*, a*, b*), color difference data (dL*, da*, db*, dE*) are given by standard measurement and sample measurement. According to the range of chromatic aberration set by the software, the conclusion of "pass/fail" is automatically drawn.
2Automatic/Manual Color Matching
According to different dyeing processes, choose different color matching files or use limited dyes; select 1-6 colorants for automatic color matching and quantitative calculation formula; provide optimal formula under existing process conditions according to standard.
3Formulation by Combinations
According to the samples provided by customers, it is possible to provide all the prescriptions under the existing technological conditions. And the technician can quickly and accurately select an optimized formula that takes into consideration factors such as color matching quality, cost, and metamerism.
4Colorant Characterization
By reading the optical characteristics of 5-8 concentration points of each colorant, set up a color matching basic database to automatically store the relevant data of colorant and substrate.
5Formula Correction
If the first formulation does not meet the requirements, or because of changes in raw materials, process conditions and other factors, as well as differences in compatibility between colorants, the formulation can be automatically and quickly corrected by the formula correction function in the color matching software.
Formula Correction
Spectral Curve
The color solution can be divided into three parts:instrument color measurement ,software color matching, light box color matching
With 3NH high-end color measurement technology and wide coverage of technical support network, we provide excellent color management solutions for customers,
and help customers achieve integrated operation from R&D standards to individual evaluation of suppliers.
By integrating spectrophotometers, color matching software, color light boxes and other tools, we can easily achieve the integration of color transfer standards.
With many years of experience in color management field, we have implemented a practical solution.
One-to-one exclusive consultant, quick response to demand.
Pecolor provides technical guides, instructions, remote demonstrations, on-site demonstrations
and other ancillary services to help users solve color management problems.